One research group of particular interest to SSHOC is a data community undertaking research on ethnic and migration studies.
Led by Prof Laura Morales (Sciences Po) with support from Ami Saji and a small team of junior researchers and research assistants, a SSHOC task group is working to improve how quantitative survey data on ethnic and migrant minorities (EMMs) can be shared with and discovered by a wide range of users in Europe and beyond.
This task group is working hand in hand with two closely related projects, COST Action 16111 – ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, (a research network with 200 plus members who are primarily based in Europe, and are part of the ethnic and migration studies field) and FAIRETHMIGQUANT, (a project funded via the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche Open Science call).
During the course of the SSHOC project, this task group, in collaboration with ETHMIGSURVEYDATA and FAIRETHMIGQUANT, will:
Produce and launch the EMM Survey Registry, a free online tool that has been shaped according to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles and set up to display compiled survey-level metadata for over 800 quantitative surveys that include samples of EMM (sub) populations from over 30 different countries.
Test the feasibility of setting up, as part of the CESSDA-led European Question Bank (EQB), a collection dedicated to surveys targeting EMM respondents that have been previously identified via the development of the EMM Survey Registry.
Currently, the EMM Survey Registry is available in Beta version and displays information gathered for over 760 surveys from 18 different European countries. Testing of an EMM-dedicated collection of the EQB is also underway.
Associated report: Database with the metadata of surveys to EMMs across Europe
Associated webinar: Introducing the newly launched Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry
Post webinar report: WEBINAR NOTES: Introducing the newly launched EMM Survey Registry
Have a question? Direct it to us on: sshoc.project@sciencespo.fr