With approximately 281 million people, or 3.6 % of the world’s population, currently living outside their country of birth, migration policies need to be based on reliable and impartial evidence. As the leading Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, CESSDA™ offers a wealth of resources for researchers, enabling them to use and re-use datasets and define their data management plan.
The focus of the Roadshow on 8 October is to talk participants through the wonderful world of data, giving practical tips and sharing first-hand experiences with researcher and service provider viewpoints. The overall goal is to show how data and human resources combine to help the societies we live in become more inclusive so they can thrive on diversity. Researchers and Service providers will share insights into the treasure trove of datasets in the CESSDA Data Catalogue™ for social science research on migration. You'll learn about the Ethnic Migration and Minorities Survey Registry, developed in the context of the SSHOC project. Service providers and researchers give practical tips on using the CESSDA CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide (CESSDA DMEG™), also part of the SSH Training Discovery Toolkit in SSHOC, especially when dealing with such highly sensitive data. Interactive discussions with panellists and opportunities for participants to share their viewpoints are key features of the Roadshow.
Read all about our expert panel here: https://www.cessda.eu/News-Events/News/CESSDA/CESSDA-Roadshow-on-Migration
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JaRqVJteTAScIxq_4Acejw