RESILIENCE is the latest step of a European partnership built on both national and European projects, including the ReIReS starting community. That community of twelve European institutions had started to build a, so far, unique and highly qualified research infrastructure on religious studies. ReIReS has laid the foundations for a research infrastructure that is further developed by RESILIENCE. In the process, the European Academy of Religion, established by 506 universities in 2015, serves as an exchange platform for various stakeholders: scholars, universities, research centres, research infrastructures, scientific journals and publishers – coming not only from Europe, but also from surrounding countries.
Currently, RESILIENCE faces two major challenges: first, the establishment of the research infrastructure as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), and second, matching the needs of its scientific community with an efficient and accessible collection of services and tools. However, those challenges are to be addressed by the Consortium of 13 partners as they share the belief that the RESILIENCE research infrastructure has a highly positive impact on the research field of Religious Studies, and therefore, fosters the understanding of religion within society.
Through the participating partners FSCIRE and InfAI, SSHOC offered RESILIENCE a big window of opportunity due to the main goal of the SSHOC project: developing a shared cloud for the SSH. RESILIENCE can contribute to that platform and will be certainly enriched by data coming from the domain of Religious Studies. Following the work of WP9 on Data Communities was a learning experience and showed the complexities of the work conducted on diverse community datasets. The most relevant impact SSHOC will have on RESILIENCE is the way how RESILIENCE will plan its service strategy and design.
RESILIENCE is led by FSCIRE (Fondazione per le scienze religiose, Italy), which became a SSHOC partner in 2021, together with another RESILIENCE member institution, InfAI (Institut für Angewandte Informatik, Germany). The research infrastructure consortium is built on 13 academic and research partners based in 11 countries:
Website: https://www.resilience-ri.eu/
Newsletter subscription: https://resilience-ri.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=0583cb89c3e930687bf22483e&id=4d50efc77b
Social media channels: https://www.facebook.com/resilienceRI/ https://www.instagram.com/resilience_ri/ https://twitter.com/resilienceRI https://www.linkedin.com/company/resilience-ri/
Contact Coordinator Fscire: resilience@fscire.it