WP5: Innovations in Data Access

MS34 Expose ESS’ interoperable services to external consumers

Milestone 34, Expose ESS’ interoperable services to external consumers, was achieved on 17 December 2021.

MS36 Case study Roman theatre in Catania: Transfer of the 3D data to the open source Extended Matrix system and concept of a LOD scenario

This Milestone reports on a snapshot of the work of Task 5.7 (Open Linked Data. Archaeology Case Study), as presented in the SSHOC archaeological case study Workshop – The Roman theatre in Catania from survey to interactive 4D visualization, in May 2021.

MS37 Unified CIDOC CRM mapping of the Extended Matrix and the LOD scenario

In task 5.7 (Open Linked Data. Archaeology Case Study), a virtual reconstruction of the Roman theatre in Catania has been created as an example of a transition of archaeological data to the cloud, i.e., from data silos on individual computers to webservices. The case study is based on a unified workflow that starts with the archaeological documentation and results in a virtual reconstruction. The data was processed in the Extended Matrix (EM) system that has been developed by the ITABC.

WP6: Fostering Communities, Empowering Users, & Building Expertise

D6.10 Report on the SSHOC Training Community

This document is the deliverable “D.6.10 – Report on the SSHOC Training Community” of the Horizon2020 project “Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud” (hereinafter also referred to as “SSHOC”, project reference: 823782).

This deliverable is the first report on the activities that the SSHOC project, task 6.4 has undertaken to build a Training Community for trainers in the Social Sciences and Humanities using the European Open Science Cloud. This task started in July 2019 and activities will continue till the end of the SSHOC project.

D6.1 SSHOC Community Engagement Strategy

This document builds on an initial stakeholder landscape analysis, emphasizes strategic coordination and outlines WP6 engagement activities. The planned engagement activities are horizontal to the project and account for networks, channels and tools already used by project partners. Gaps and risks are also identified.

D6.12 Report on the SSHOC train-the-trainer bootcamps

Training is an important aspect of knowledge acquisition and transfer in the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud project (SSHOC). For successful implementation and promotion of the SSH Open Cloud, it is crucial to empower users, and to facilitate mutual learning and networking among data producers, users, and experts. Therefore, the SSHOC Training Community has been established.

D6.13 Report on the SSHOC Training Community

The SSH Training Community is an important part of the engagement and training activities in the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project. The concerted efforts of the SSHOC Task 6.4 lead to the development of the SSH Training Community which is a compilation of formats and tools that foster community building and engagement, mutual learning, and networking among stakeholders involved in training activities related to the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).

D6.14 Report on Training Workshops

Targeted training events aimed to empower data users, data producers and data experts through skills and knowledge transfer to maximize the uptake of SSHOC resources and to promote data-driven and cross-disciplinary research directions. This goal was achieved through the organisation of twenty training workshops and webinars which were conceptualized as complementary training events.

D6.15 Report on Training Webinars

The aim of T6.5 activities was to provide targeted training events to the SSH community in the form of workshops and webinars. The aim of the events was to maximize the uptake of SSHOC resources and to promote data-driven and cross-disciplinary research directions. Targeted training webinars aimed to complement training workshops. This report concerns training webinars which were conceived as thematically narrower and shorter online events that would precede or follow the workshops, while the workshops were conceptualized as comprehensive and immersive training sessions.

D6.2 Building Expertise Strategy

Following D6.2 - SSHOC Community Engagement Strategy and building upon it, the SSHOC project has created this Building Expertise Strategy. It describes an initial plan for the project’s activities and tools to be used in order to build expertise among user communities.
