Targeted training events aimed to empower data users, data producers and data experts through skills and knowledge transfer to maximize the uptake of SSHOC resources and to promote data-driven and cross-disciplinary research directions. This goal was achieved through the organisation of twenty training workshops and webinars which were conceptualized as complementary training events. They primarily targeted and successfully reached researchers and representatives of research performing institutions and research libraries, but also other stakeholders identified as relevant for SSHOC (e.g., research infrastructures, private sector, and civil society). Because of the training design in the form of workshop- webinar pairs and due to pandemic-related restrictions that resulted in most of the events being delivered online, there was a considerable overlap of several organisational aspects for both types of events. For this reason, this report describes the common aspects of the organisation, structure and outcomes of both workshops and webinars, but also provides details about workshops when needed. For webinar-specific aspects, refer to Deliverable 6.15 Report on Training Webinars (Pahor de Maiti & Fišer, 2022).
In particular, this report gives details on eleven targeted training workshops which were organised from July 2019 to February 2022 and followed six thematic clusters:
Data Science for the Social Sciences and Humanities
1.1. The Case of Interview Data: A multidisciplinary approach to the use of technology in research using interview methods (07/2019)
Data Science for Heritage Science
2.1. Citizen Science & Cultural Heritage. Planning for success (03/2021)
2.2. Digitising Museum Objects Using Basic Photogrammetry (03/2021)
Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation
3.1. Data Protection in Research Practice (10/2021)
Data Stewardship and Research Data Management
4.1. Caring for Sharing – Data Management and FAIRness of Migration Data (03/2020)
4.2. Copyright Issues in Secondary Data Use (01/2022)
4.3. Data Management Planning and Overcoming Challenges in Social Sciences Data Sharing
Data Citation
5.1. Data Citation in Practice (06/2021)
Text Mining for the Social Sciences and Humanities
6.1. Using Corpora for Implementing Validation (09/2019)
6.2. Exploration of Society Through the Lens of Labour Market Related Documentation
6.3. ParlaMint – Exploring Societal Issues Through Comparable Corpora of Parliamentary
Debates (05/2021)
The organisational process for each training event consisted of three stages: (1) specification of topics and content, target audience, speakers, venue, and scheduling, (2) promotion and event delivery, and (3) post-event activities. The specific topics and speakers were identified in close collaboration with subject
matter experts from SSHOC and related communities in order to find most relevant topics and to provide state-of-the art content to the audience. The duration of the workshops varied (1.5h, half-day, full-day or multiple days) and depended on the content and the number of interactive activities planned. They consisted of presentations to transfer knowledge, hands-on activities to transfer skills, and dedicated time for a discussion to address open issues and future steps. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the workshops, which were initially planned as face-to-face events, had to be delivered online. Despite some downsides, the online and hybrid formats also brought certain advantages, especially in terms of an expanded outreach: firstly, people who were unable to travel could participate in online events, and secondly, since the online events can be easily recorded and shared, those who could not attend the workshop or webinar got the opportunity to watch the presentations afterwards.
In total, twenty training events (workshops and webinars combined) reached 2455 people (1102 participants of live (streaming) events and 1353 views of event recordings). The workshops reached 690 people: 464 people attended the live events, while playbacks of the recordings, published on the SSHOC YouTube channel, so far accounted for another 226 views (obtained on 28/02/2022).