WP5: Innovations in Data Access

D5.10 White Paper on Remote Access to Sensitive Data in the Social Sciences and Humanities: 2021 and Beyond.

This white paper provides the necessary basis for understanding the requirements and specifications for remote access to sensitive data (data with potentially harmful effects in the event of their disclosure) in the social sciences and the humanities (SSH). It is result of the work implemented in SSHOC Task 5.4 Remote Access to Sensitive Data. It is intended to provide guidance and recommendations to the EOSC stakeholders for future infrastructure investment for remote access to sensitive data in the SSH.

D5.1 Guidelines for ethics considerations in making biomedical survey data FAIR (Access to biomedical data)

This report is Deliverable 5.1 of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project, and a result of Task 1 focusing on the legal, ethical, and technological issues of access to biomedical data. The aim of the task is to make biomedical data available to the research community via data access that follows the FAIR principles.

D5.11 ERAN Pilot (Remote access to sensitive data)

This report provides a guide on setting up a Secure Remote Connection between two Trusted Research Environments (TREs). It is based on the experiences of setting up such a connection between the UKDS SecureLab and other TREs, and most recently and specifically between the UKDS SecureLab and the Secure Data Centre at GESIS within the SSHOC project, WP5.4.

D5.12 International Secure Data Facility Professionals Network (ISDFPN)

The purpose of this report is to describe the motivation and set up of the International Secure Data
Facility Professionals Network (ISDFPN), its aims, first steps, and future plans.
ISDFPN has been set up as part of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud project (SSHOC) Task
5.4 with the aim of bringing together international colleagues working in or towards Secure Data
Facilities, to share expertise and experiences, discuss relevant areas of our work, and to spark
collaboration as well as develop new ideas.

D5.13 Recommendations for a FAIR compliant integrated data and metadata repository (ESS as a service)

The SSHOC project Deliverable D5.13 Recommendations for a FAIR compliant integrated data and metadata repository describes the implementation of the European Social Survey (ESS) pilot project to prepare cross-national survey data and metadata for the EOSC.

The report explains the various steps made to prepare and implement the new infrastructure, and the achievements reaped by the approach in terms of improved implementation of the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

D5.14 Report on Preparing the ESS for Services in the EOSC (ESS as a Service)

Task 5.5. ESS as a service: a pilot making cross-national survey data FAIR aims to increase the FAIRness of ESS data, with particular focus on increasing the interoperability of data holdings, and to make ESS data and metadata available from the European Open Science Cloud.

As part of the task, a new repository platform, APIs, landing pages and solutions for authentication and authorization were developed and deployed.

D5.15 Report on opening access to research data in the archaeology domain

Archaeology is one of the leading proponents of Open Data in the arts and humanities, and already exhibits broad interest in FAIR, but the diversity of data types and methods used by archaeologists means adoption of FAIR will pose significant challenges, further necessitating urgent collaboration around best practice. A recurring theme is the amount of time and effort it takes to do the kinds of work that allows data to be made FAIR, by both the data creators and the repository.

D5.16 Report on making heritage science data FAIR (Open data in Heritage Science and Archaeology)

This deliverable reports on work carried out within SSHOC Task 5.6 - Issues in providing Open Data in Heritage Science and Archaeology. It focusses specifically on issues related to working with Heritage Science data and examines the accessibility and interoperability of such data. Starting with two distinct, but related, non-standard datasets, covering the documentation and study of old master paintings, the work created new fully semantic, linkable, shareable, machine-readable FAIR datasets mapped to the standard CIDOC-CRM ontology and other external Linked Open Data resources.

D5.17 Implementation plan for the archeological case study

In SSHOC Task 5.7 (Open Linked Data. Archaeology Case Study), a virtual reconstruction of the Roman theatre in Catania will be created as an example of an actual transition of archaeological data to the cloud, i.e. from data silos on individual computers to webservices. The case study is based on a unified workflow that starts with the archaeological documentation and results in a virtual reconstruction.

D5.18 Report on the archaeological case study

In SSHOC Task 5.7 (Open Linked Data. Archaeology Case Study), a virtual reconstruction of the Roman theatre in Catania has been created as a case study for the transition of archaeological data to the cloud, i.e. from data silos on individual computers to webservices. The case study is based on a unified workflow that starts with the archaeological documentation and results in a virtual reconstruction. With this workflow, data manually acquired during an excavation and traditionally stored on paper can now be stored in the cloud and used for 3D visualisations of the site.
