The SSHOC project Deliverable D5.13 Recommendations for a FAIR compliant integrated data and metadata repository describes the implementation of the European Social Survey (ESS) pilot project to prepare cross-national survey data and metadata for the EOSC.
The report explains the various steps made to prepare and implement the new infrastructure, and the achievements reaped by the approach in terms of improved implementation of the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
The new ESS data and metadata service consists of multiple data and metadata repositories to support an efficient, collaborative, version-controlled data processing workflow. The service makes use of Colectica software solutions for metadata management and Azure cloud for data storage and management. The repositories are accessed via ESS API for management and dissemination of data and metadata. The architecture allows users to query the API in a range of ways. Increased use of controlled vocabularies and easier log in (authentication) has given simpler retrieval of data. Furthermore, the APIs allow data curators to process, document and publish data and metadata in a secure and stable environment. Finally, practical recommendations based on the experiences of NSD/Sikt are provided. Beyond SSHOC WP5, this document is relevant to SSHOC WP3 and WP7.