WP4: Innovations in Data Production

D4.1 A sample management system for cross- national web survey

The European Social Survey ERIC (ESS) experimented with the world’s first cross-national probability-based online panel, named CRONOS, recruited off the back of ESS Round 8. One of the biggest challenges of the project was the coordination and harmonised management of the sample in the three different European countries taking part in the project (Estonia, Slovenia and Great Britain.

D4.11 Report on the experience with the automatic verification programme in SHARE wave 9

This document is the deliverable D4.11 of the Horizon2020 project “Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud”). It reports on the experience with the automatic verification checks implemented during the development phase of the questionnaire for SHARE wave 9. It describes the outcomes of the exercise, and it points out the critical issues to be addressed for further development.

D4.12 Guidelines for the integration of Audio Capture data in Survey Interviews

This report pertains to Task 4.4 under Work Package 4 Innovations in Data Production, and documents the design of a computer assisted module which enables digital language data to be captured from recorded interviews carried out during social surveys.

D4.13 Audio Transcript Data

This report details the data collection process of audio data in an online survey and the subsequent preparation of speech-to-text transcripts. In addition, it assesses the data quality and usability of the collected data. This report is accompanied by the audio transcript data in excel (xlsx) format.

D4.14 Policy API Tool

This report sets out the rationale, design and guidelines for use of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Family Policy Calculator Application Programming Interface (API) developed and deployed as part of Task 4.5.

D4.15 Report on integrating API into GGP

Task 4.5 Social policy APIs for social surveys in the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud project aims to demonstrate the application of social policy APIs in a social sciences survey infrastructure. A proof of concept was prepared by the Generations and Gender Programme and the WageIndicator Survey in the form of an experiment in which a Social Policy Module was integrated in the Dutch WageIndicator Survey. The experiment can be used as a template for future applications which aim to link social policy information with information of individuals or households.

D4.16 Specification of the new features of the Aïoli platform

This report is the first deliverable of the Task 4.6 “Semantic annotation of Heritage Science Data” within the WP4 “Innovations in Data Production”. The focus of this task is the development of an innovative web service for the reality-based 3D annotation of heritage artefacts within the SSHOC infrastructure. The report contains specifications for appropriate upgrades to the Aioli platform which will provide the base for this service. 

D4.17 New version of the Aïoli platform

Archaeologists, architects, engineers, materials specialists, teachers, curators, and restorers of cultural property, contribute to the daily knowledge and conservation of heritage artefacts. For many years, the development of digital technologies has produced important results in the collection, visualisation and indexing of digital resources.

D4.18 SSHOC Reference Ontology (beta version)

This report describes the SSHOC Reference Ontology (SSHOCro), a common meta-level schema based on CIDOC CRM, to provide a semantic interoperability framework for the description of the data life cycle used by Social Science and Humanities researchers. The SSHOCro is provided in RDF/S in the file titled “D4.18 SSHOCro_v.1.0_beta.rdf”, which is submitted as an attachment to this report.

D4.19 Mapping of two indicative selected standards to the SSHOCro

This report documents the work undertaken within project Task 4.7 Modeling the SSHOC data life cycle and describes the process of mapping social science research metadata standards DDI Codebook and CMDI  to the SSHOC Reference Ontology (SSHOCro). The resulting mapping rules are also documented.
