A new report D5.9 Framework and contract for international data use agreements on remote access to confidential data provides guidelines for the cross-national exchange of confidential data.
The report is a deliverable from the SSHOC task group which facilitates innovations in data access and provides tools and services for intelligently open data for the SSH domain. The writers are Matthew Woollard and Beate Lichtwardt (UK Data Service) with Elizabeth Lea Bishop (GESIS) and Dana Müller (IAB FDZ),
The objective of the report is to provide a Conceptual Framework and Template Contract for international data use agreements on remote access to confidential data between institutions located in different countries. This is to enable researchers to access international confidential/sensitive microdata from within their own country and without the need to travel abroad.
The material is based on an existing contract between the Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB FDZ), Nuremberg, Germany, and the UK Data Service at the UK Data Archive, University of Essex. Additional commentary enlarges the scope of the original contract and considers changes in line with particular local circumstances. The commentary also provides a broad brush introduction to the Five Safes Framework, the de facto secure access standard within the social science data archiving community.
The resulting generic template provides an important framework for other data use agreements and can be easily adapted for use by institutions planning to share their sensitive microdata via Safe Room Remote Desktop Access.