The purpose of this report is to provide a template for a contract for international access to confidential microdata. The template is based on an existing contract, and the commentary provides details on the scope and detail of the contract noting considerations for changes within particular local circumstances.
The objective is to provide necessary information for two parties to conclude a contract which provides a legally acceptable method to provide cross-national access to confidential data. The basis is an existing contract between the Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB FDZ), Nuremberg, Germany, and the UK Data Service at the UK Data Archive, University of Essex. It provides an important framework for future data use agreements and serves as a generic template that can easily be adapted to other institutions planning to facilitate access to their sensitive microdata via Safe Room Remote Desktop Access.
The commentary also provides a broad brush introduction to the Five Safes Framework and captures the relationship between the Five Safes Framework and the information security standards and the legislative requirements.