Certification is a sign of trust that benefits a data repository in many ways. How can your repository achieve certification? The SSHOC webinar will focus on the certification of digital repositories and how your repository can apply for the CoreTrustSeal. The webinar will also touch upon how SSHOC can support repositories seeking certification.
CoreTrustSeal is a community-driven certification framework with over 80 past certifications. The certification consists of sixteen requirements for which applicants are asked to provide self-assessment statements along with relevant evidence. CoreTrustSeal certification is sufficiently stringent for data repositories within the social sciences and humanities but significantly less costly and labour-intensive than formal audit against ISO/DIN standards. Certification requirements for the CoreTrustSeal are also reviewed every three years in comparison with every five years for ISO/DIN standards. CoreTrustSeal is open to feedback and continuously considering the widest possible range of certification candidates.
The webinar is aimed at staff of data repositories interested in certification. The webinar will have a 15 minutes presentation and extensive time for questions and answers. During the webinar you will:
Mari Kleemola is Development Manager at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD), Tampere University. She has 20 years of experience in digital preservation and open science. Currently she participates in two projects related to building EOSC: the SSHOC and the Nordic EOSC project. She is also a member of the CoreTrustSeal Board and the leader of the CESSDA Tools & Services Working Group.
René van Horik works as Senior Project Manager at DANS in the Netherlands. He is involved in EU projects that work on the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud, such as EOSC-hub, FREYA and SSHOC. To answer your questions regarding certification, the webinar brings together a panel comprising representatives of SSHOC Trust Support Team.
Learn more about certification and Trustworthy Digital Repository frameworks, read the recently published SSHOC D8.2 Report on Certification plan for SSHOC repositories.
Slides are available here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3774396