The SSHOC’n Tell Challenge was a hackathon run parallel to SSHOC’s final conference, Advancing SSH Research with SSHOCingly good and sustainable resources, with the aim of getting users to test out SSHOC tools and create compelling real-user stories. The challenge resulted in a total of 6 user stories which have been published on Zenodo and on the SSHOC website.
I work as head of Research Support at the University Library. My team is currently working on designing trainings on Open Science within the university. Some are more general where Open Science is more a part of a broader theme, like writing a data management plan for PhDs, but we would also like to go into the faculties with a training focus on starting with Open Science. Most researchers have a general feel about what Open Science is but have problems with implementing Open Science in their daily work. We would like to explain that more to them and helping them opening up their research.
User story by Joeri Both - University Library of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam