The SSHOC’n Tell Challenge was a hackathon run parallel to SSHOC’s final conference, Advancing SSH Research with SSHOCingly good and sustainable resources, with the aim of getting users to test out SSHOC tools and create compelling real-user stories. The challenge resulted in a total of 6 user stories which have been published on Zenodo and on the SSHOC website.
The SSH Open Marketplace provides a lot of information about Digital Humanities (DH) tools, but it may be hard to navigate for lay DH users, particularly for uninitiated colleagues and students, i.e. most of the Humanistic academy: descriptions are often minimal or cryptic, with very technical keywords and no information about the level of complexity, and, of course, almost always in English. Last but not least, redirecting users to a complex Github repo may overestimate their digital literacy. This is our proven experience with colleagues and even at a master’s degree level. Users should be able to identify the most friendly tools and understand their functioning quickly and easily; and to do so, we need not only filters for categories, activities, or keywords, but also by levels of user-friendliness. To disseminate the use of the SSH Open Marketplace, we propose some tips and bottom-up strategies.
User story by Amelia Sanz, María Robles & Adrián Menéndez de la Cuesta - Complutense University of Madrid