The SSHOC’n Tell Challenge was a hackathon run parallel to SSHOC’s final conference, Advancing SSH Research with SSHOCingly good and sustainable resources, with the aim of getting users to test out SSHOC tools and create compelling real-user stories. The challenge resulted in a total of 6 user stories which have been published on Zenodo and on the SSHOC website.
When inviting data supporters and researchers for a data management training, it would be great if we could make them aware of basic knowledge around archiving and publishing research data and the overview presented in the Data Management Expert Guide. For this purpose I will have a closer look at the League of Data game. Basically the game should be fun and not raise questions, but already show how a researcher profits from data management. It is very relevant for my daily work as I am involved in organising training events.
User story by Ellen Leenarts - DANS