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A pilot gamification of the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide that can be used in the SSH and beyond, among partners and the wider EOSC ecosystem. The gamification service should be applicable for other tools which will be made clear once the gamification platform is built. SSHOC LoD (League of Data) platform shall support and motivate researchers to publish their research data, by providing guidance for the publishing process. Researchers will be able to test their knowledge, run a checklist on their Data Management Plan and data publishing, and get in touch with peers. To increase the attractiveness of sharing data, the LoD will implement gamification mechanisms and elements.
The use of gamification is intended to make users feel more comfortable performing certain tasks, thus increasing their motivation and engagement regarding the task. With respect to the preparation of research data for its publication, LoD shall convert an otherwise strenuous and opaque process, including lots of internet search and the study of bulky standards, into an exciting and joyful adventure which provides unknown opportunities and possibilities.
User communities will be engaged and onboarded to the SSHOC community, SSH researchers will be developing skills and knowledge on research data management, and Consortium will provide a sustainable service for researchers in the EOSC ecosystem.
The use of gamification of the data management process is intended to make users feel more comfortable performing certain tasks, thus increasing their motivation and engagement regarding the task. With respect to the preparation of research data for its publication, LoD shall convert an otherwise strenuous and opaque process, including lots of internet search and the study of bulky standards, into an exciting and joyful adventure which provides unknown opportunities and possibilities.
With respect to the preparation of research data for its publication, LoD shall convert an otherwise strenuous and opaque process, including lots of internet search and the study of bulky standards, into an exciting and joyful adventure which provides unknown opportunities and possibilities. Ensuring alignment with current policies and EOSC practices in place. The LoD is valuable for the SSH research community and beyond.
Target users and needs
An exciting new training tool has been released by the SSHOC project, teaching researchers about Data Publication and Research Data Management through a simple and fun video game called the League of Data: Data Management Challenge.
The game was developed by SSHOC partners Trust-IT and COMMpla with the aim of making the CESSDA Data Management Experts Guide (CESSDA DMEG ®), a 200 page document, more accessible. It is not a comprehensive e-learning tool teaching the whole DMEG, but rather a conversation starter. It introduces players to some key themes and challenges, and asks the players to work out the solutions. The game will be used as a supplement to lectures and data management training courses.
Currently the game covers the main subjects of the DMEG sixth chapter “Archive & Publish” over four levels. The first challenges players to think about which sorts of datasets should be published and which should just be stored. The second level helps players consider the reservations they have around publishing their data, and why there are very good reasons to publish their data anyway. The third level makes players think about whether their data should be published just as a journal supplement, or as a published dataset in a trusted repository. The final level introduces players to the numerous ways they can promote their published data, leading to greater reuse of research and more citations.
Three further levels are planned for the near future, covering DMEG chapter 5 “Protect.” Subjects such as informed consent, anonymisation and intellectual property will be covered.
You can play the game right now by clicking below!