SSHOC Task 3.6 (Making Data Re-usable and Actionable) focuses on two services originally from the CLARIN infrastructure domain, which in discussion and collaboration with the SSHOC communities are generalised and adapted to serve the broader Humanities and Social Sciences. Specifically with the purpose of facilitating better sharing and re-use of data and services in innovative ways.
Those services are the SSH Switchboard also known as the CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard and the SSH Virtual Collection Registry also known as the CLARIN Virtual Collection Registry (VCR).
In this deliverable the task team reports on:
The report references other documents and milestones (for a detailed list consult the introduction) and links to related activities, not directly related with the Switchboard and Virtual Collection Registry. In this sense this task pursued the strategic objective to better connect and raise visibility of SSH resources and services, implied in the work package title “Lifting Technologies and Services into the SSH Cloud”.