Join CESSDA on 30 September, 14.00-16.00 CEST! In a world beset by challenges, from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change, the social sciences have never been more important for impartial, evidence-based research and analysis.
The CESSDA™ Roadshow series kicks off with a deep dive on COVID-19, highlighting cross-national datasets and surveys in its Data Catalogue (CESSDA DC™) with a practical guide and demo on how to discover them from UK Data Services.
Designed as a practical deep dive, bringing together service providers and researchers on how to use and re-use the reservoir of CESSDA™ COVID-19 resources for the social sciences, such as national archive data, surveys and gender-related studies. Participants will learn about real-world examples of fast-track publication and collaboration.
14:00-14:05: Welcome and Overview of the Roadshow, Moderator
14:05-14:20: Places to find COVID data and what data is available, Alle Bloom, UK Data Service
14:20-14:30: Demo on how to search the CESSDA DC™, Alle Bloom, UK Data Service
14:30-14:50: Data production and re-use of datasets, Julia Partheymüller, AUSSDA, with more researchers to be confirmed.
14:50-15:00: Interactive panel discussion, Moderator
15:00-15:10: Virtual Refreshment Break
15:10-15:20: CESSDA DMEG™ - Data Discovery, Archiving and Publication Routes, European Diversity, Ricarda Braukmann, DANS
15:20-15:30: How CESSDA DMEG™ supports publication in the social sciences, Ricarda Braukmann, DANS and Otto Bodi, AUSSDA
15:30-15:50: Interactive discussion the societal impacts of COVID-19 dataset, re-use and fast-track publication
15:50-16:00: Interactive quiz and wrap-up of main takeaways