Online on 11 June 2021, this workshop aims at addressing potential sustainable actions to consolidate the cluster work programmes as well as presenting to the European Commission, ESFRI and the EOSC Association a longer-term vision to support the uptake of Open Science by the global scientific community.
The Science Clusters, ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC-Life, ESCAPE, PANOSC and SSHOC, are EU collaborative projects that were launched in 2019 to link ESFRIs and other world-class Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The main impacts of the Science Clusters' work programmes are: improving researchers' access to data, tools and resources, leading to new insights and innovation for data-driven science both within and beyond the clusters' domains; creating a cross-border open innovation environment for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data management for economies of scale; and developing synergies and raising the efficiency and productivity of researchers through open-science standards and thematic services.
As important stakeholders of EOSC, the Science Clusters contribute to its development and its implementation.
Why this event?
The event will provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about Science Clusters and Open Science:
Who should attend?
The members of the five clusters, all of the EOSC-family of related projects, Research & Academic institution representatives, Research Communities, ESFRI board, EOSC Association and the European Commission.
How participate?
You can reserve your place via registration formv that will be open till 7th June 2021: