In this webinar, Metadata Technology North America will provide an overview of Rich Data Services (https://www.richdataservices.com), an API based solution to concurrently deliver data and metadata as a service.
The presentation and demos will highlight the benefits of the platform and standards based web services, as well as cover CESSDA specific aspects, such as migration from Nesstar, potential integration with DataVerse, and support for DDI.
The webinar will consist of 2 presentations.
The first presentation is a general introduction to MTNA's Rich Data Services, followed by a brief Q&A session.
The second presentation looks at how CESSDA (and other research infrastructures) might use RDS, with reference to Dataverse, NESSTAR and DDI metadata. That will be followed by a Q&A session.
Presenters (all Metadata Technology North America):
Pascal Heus
Andrew DeCarlo
Carson Hunter
Jack Gager
Chair/moderator: John Shepherdson (CESSDA)
The event starts at 16.00 CEST.