16 January 2020 - 08:30 to 17:00
Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9 HQ


Preparing for the future II: international approaches to challenges facing the longitudinal population studies

CLOSER is hosting a second collaborative conference for the international longitudinal population studies community to share learning, and develop common solutions to key challenges.

During the event, Mari Kleemola from the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD), will talk about challenges and successes of CESSDA ERIC and about Data discoverability and interoperability issues in relation to the SSHOC Data and Metadata Interoperability Hub.

About the conference

Longitudinal population studies currently face a number of challenging issues. How should studies integrate novel data collection methods and emerging technologies? How can the utility of historic data be enhanced? And critically, how can studies keep participants involved for the long term?

At the same time, studies across the world are finding ways to harness the opportunities these challenges can bring. Following the success of CLOSER’s 2018 Preparing for the future conference, we are extending the discussions beyond the UK, to studies around the world. The purpose of this conference is to unearth best practice, and identify ways to tackle shared challenges. It is a collaborative, interactive event with a strong focus on problem solving.

The programme has been informed by the results of a consultation exercise with UK and international longitudinal studies. Each session will involve short presentations of exemplar work in a given area, followed by facilitated group discussions and the chance for delegates to share their own experiences. The day will include plenty of time for networking.

The conference sessions will address the following topics:

  • New forms of data collection
  • Data harmonisation
  • Data linkage
  • Data discoverability
  • Reducing attrition and participant engagement


The full programme and further information is available on the event page