Connecting ESFRI Infrastructures through Cluster Projects

SSHOC is one of the activities foreseen under INFRAEOSC 04-2018, which supports the integration and consolidation of thematic e-infrastructure platforms in preparation for connecting them to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).


The vision of the EOSC is to provide seamless, Europe-wide access to research data and tools across scientific or thematic disciplines and geographical borders. In consolidating the resources available within a particular scientific discipline, each thematic cluster project thus adheres to both FAIR principles and the principles of Open Science.

ESFRI Thematic cluster view on EOSC

Source: Blomberg, Niklas, & Petzold, Andreas. (2020, January 30). ESFRI thematic cluster view on EOSC.


What will SSHOC do for EOSC?

SSHOC will provide the social sciences, humanities, and heritage science contribution to the EOSC by:

  • Interconnecting existing and new infrastructures to build the SSH Cloud
  • Maximising data reuse through Open Science and FAIR principles
  • Providing training resources, a training network, and training activities
  • Setting up an appropriate governance model