A new report from the SSHOC consortium lays the groundwork for the adoption of Trustworthy Digital Repository (TDR) standards and the FAIR principles in data repositories across the social sciences and humanities.
Entitled D8.2 Certification plan for SSHOC repositories, the report charts the current trust landscape within the SSHOC communities, explains CoreTrustSeal in detail, and identifies the repositories which will be the main focus of support activities during the course of the project. The report also describes the modes of support which will be employed within the SSHOC project to assist repositories in reaching TDR certification.
From RDA Repository Audit and Certification Catalogues Recommendation to CoreTrustSeal
The Repository Audit and Certification Catalogues, a two-part recommendation produced by the RDA Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership WG, created common procedures and requirements for the certification of repositories at the core level. To do so, they drew from procedures and catalogues of criteria already established by the DSA and WDS. On the basis of this effort, the DSA and the WDS Certification of Regular Members merged into the CoreTrustSeal, thereby gradually replacing these predecessor certification standards. Click here to read the full story of the RDA CoreTrustSeal adoption across domains and regions.
The report is the first deliverable in the task entitled Trust & Quality Assurance, which is led by the Finnish Social Data Archive and unites colleagues from three ERICs (CESSDA, CLARIN and DARIAH), and one aspiring ERIC (E-RIHS). The task concentrates on developing an agreed approach to assessing the trustworthiness and quality of data repositories.
The report will be the topic of a webinar to be held on 23 April. Details will be published on the Events page.