The Alpha version of the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery portal which integrates services and software, datasets, training materials, and workflows for use by research communities in the social sciences and humanities, launches today 30 June in a dedicated session at the annual ICTeSSH Conference.
The launch is primarily an internal affair for the benefit of SSHOC project partners and will be presided over by key representatives from the SSH Open Marketplace development team. Also in attendance will be four members of the SSH community who were selected to test the system prior to launch and deliver their combined verdict during the session. This is in keeping with the participatory approach which has characterised the project to date.
The next milestone in the development of the SSH Open Marketplace is the Beta release, scheduled for December 2020. In the intervening period, the developers will make continual efforts to obtain input and feedback from the SSH research community, starting with a webinar solely for the DARIAH community, which takes place on 3 July. Similar events will be organised very shortly for CLARIN, E-RIHS, CESSDA, LIBER, and other data communities.
In a further strategy to enable users to contribute to this collaborative undertaking, SSHOC is in the process of establishing the SSH Open Market Tester Community. Users who register as testers will be able to explore the contents of the SSH Open Marketplace and suggest additions, improvements and updates via a specially designed consultation platform which is under construction and is expected to go live during the summer.
Watch the SSH Open Market explainer video
Watch a recording of the launch session and access the presentations and the published proceedings
Join the SSH Open Market Tester Community.
Read previous articles on this topic:
SSH Open Marketplace: Meet our Testers
SSH Open Marketplace: What’s in it for you?