A new report D1.4 Second Annual Progress & Activity Report explains all the progress done and the status of work in the second year of the SSHOC project, year 2020.
This deliverable is the second annual report for the SSHOC project. The report starts with a general plan for the SSHOC project 2020, and lists the main objectives set up to be achieved. The main part of this document focuses on the activities implemented in each of the projects subsections - Work Packages, and within those, each of its Tasks. It also provides references to any deviations from what was promised to the European Commission in the project proposal, and risk assessment status.
The final chapter contains the summary on the delivery of project outputs (namely deliverables), achievement of project milestones, and the use of resources. An overview of all the SSHOC 2020 relevant events is added to the document as an appendix. This is a complete overview of the year 2020 in the SSHOC project.
Even though 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project has not suffered in terms of its impact and achievements. It adapted an agile approach, thanks also to partners’ flexibility to using digital virtual tools constantly, and was able to continue the work planned, mitigating the risks and finding solutions to the challenges that arose.
An important milestone highlighted the end of 2020 - the submission of the 1st SSHOC Periodic report to the EC, and it being approved as a part of the 1st EC review of the project. It resulted in all 27 deliverables submitted by June 2020 being approved by the EC as well, providing additional motivation for the partners and a confirmation of the quality of the work done within the project.
D1.3 First Annual Progress and Activity Report
D1.5 Third Annual Progress and Activity Report - in progress