Organised by SSHOC and its partner CLARIN-ERIC, the 2020 LR4SSHOC workshop will be held in Marseille (France), as part of the 12th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC2020).
In recent decades the development of language resources (LR) and language technologies (LT) and their management have reached the level of maturity that allows their usage to be expanded beyond the borders of traditional linguistic disciplines and implementations. Although admittedly many challenges remain such as easier localisation, configuration and deployment of LT services for non LT experts.
At the same time, the broad domain of social sciences and humanities (SSH) research despite having a diverse set of domain specific methods and practices, can benefit from LT infrastructure approaches and research results, to extract information from natural language content. These LT methods and practices can be adopted by the already existing SSH research infrastructures that support their domain specific work. And In the larger context, on the European landscape level, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), currently under development, will be created to also facilitate the cross domain use of data and technologies. To support this strategy, a set of EU thematic cluster projects collects common and specific requests from kindred fields and domains to ensure a smooth transition and collaboration in order to reach the goal of bringing data, tools and services into the common cloud. The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project is the SSH thematic cluster project aiming to create the SSH part of the EOSC.
This workshop will focus on the goals and aims of realising the SSHOC part of the EOSC, where SSH data, language processing tools, and services are made available, adjusted and accessible for users across SSH domain. It will provide a forum to discuss common requirements, challenges and opportunities for developing, enhancing, integrating tools and services for managing and processing SSH research data. Such SSH scenarios based implementations of currently existing language tools and services demonstrate their multidisciplinary usability and stimulate further multidisciplinary collaboration across the various subfields of SSH and beyond, which will increase the potential for societal impact.
The workshop will introduce the SSHOC project and its ambitions while also including its embedding in the EOSC for dialogue with the LREC community. On the one hand, such discussion between SSH data-practitioners, infrastructure and LT experts will strengthen and support the SSH community connection with the LREC landscape and initiatives. On the other hand, the much increased interest in and availability of cloud type infrastructure approaches represent an opportunity for the language technologies to support the field of social sciences and humanities on a large scale following the F.A.I.R. principles, thus supporting its replicability and reproducibility.
For this workshop we ask for contributions aimed at aligning and integrating services and infrastructure from the Social Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Heritage with one another and with the now emerging European Open Science Cloud, that is being built for sharing and optimising research data and services in a sustainable way. We are interested in examples of such infrastructure components that (can) play a role in this, but also at use-cases of cross-domain use of SSH services.
This workshop aims at gathering together academics, industrial researchers, digital language resources and technology providers, software developers, but also, and in particular, SSH representatives in order to identify the current capacity and the difficulties in creating and sustaining an infrastructure for SSH domain.
We solicit papers and posters related to the following non-exclusive list of topics:
We also solicit position papers/round table discussion topics: