This milestone report describes the first release of the SSHOC Training Toolkit which was launched on April 20th, 2020. The Toolkit is meant for SSH trainers to find and retrieve materials that can be used in training activities.
Task 6.4 of SSHOC Work Package 6 concerns the building of expertise within the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) training community. One of the key outcomes of this task and the milestone described in this report is the SSHOC Training Toolkit. The Toolkit is meant to serve as a framework for training design, organisation and delivery. It is developed to aid trainers in the SSH by providing them with materials that they can utilize in their own training activities. The Toolkit is a key resource for the SSHOC Training Community (described in more detail in SSHOC Deliverable 6.10 Report on the SSHOC Training Community) and will be promoted and used during the SSHOC Train-the-Trainer Bootcamps (described in more detail in SSHOC Deliverable 6.10 Report on the SSHOC Training Community and D6.9 - SSHOC Trainer Toolkit (draft)).
The first version of the Training Toolkit was developed by extending the work from WP6 Task 6.3 which collected information on existing learning materials in the field of SSH. As described in D6.7 Inventory of Existing Learning Materials, a drupal-based application was used to collect and curate information on different learning materials. The same application was used and further extended to become the published first version of the SSHOC Training Toolkit that scholars can now freely access. The Toolkit is a searchable inventory that by the time of launch contained more than 70 items from 41 different sources covering a range of topics includingÂ
Research Data Management, Open Science and didactics. The Toolkit and its content are described in more detail in SSHOC Deliverable D6.9 - SSHOC Trainer Toolkit (draft).
Throughout the remainder of the SSHOC Project, the Toolkit will be further developed in collaboration with the SSHOC Training Community and presented and evaluated during the SSHOC Train-the-Trainer Bootcamps. A final version of the Toolkit is another milestone of the project later in the project (Milestone 41 SSHOC Training Toolkit (updated version)) and the final version will be described in SSHOC Deliverable 6.11 SSHOC Training Toolkit (final).