16-19 November 2020
EOSChub, FREYA and SSHOC are joining forces in shaping the EOSC.
We invite social science and humanities researchers, data experts, research funders, policy makers, and representatives from research infrastructures, service providers, research libraries and archives, the EOSC Ecosystem, and ESFRI Cluster projects to join our online event and find out what we have to offer and how you can get involved.
The main objectives of our four-day program are to:
Through interactive sessions, expert panels, live demonstrations, and THE FIRST EVER EOSC PROJECTS EXPO we’ll cover:
As a complement to the programme, the first ever EOSC virtual exhibition will provide a new and exciting platform for networking and knowledge exchange!
Attendance is free of charge and ther are no fees charged to exhibitors.
Interactive environment
Breakaway from Zoom fatigue and experience a new way to interact virtually. Connect with old acquaintances and meet new ones!
Exhibition Hall
An Exhibition Hall accessible via browsers will showcase all the booths in an animated virtual environment. Each booth can host videos, posters, flyers, brochures and can host multiple representative exhibitors from your organisation who can answer questions from visitors through chat.
Visitors will be given an e-briefcase to store all the material from the exhibitors and sent to the visitors via email.
Networking Lounge
A virtual lounge will be set up for people to network and meet each other.
Scavenger Hunt and Leaderboards
Visitors can hunt for hidden clues and rise up the leaderboards to win prizes!
Find the session recordings on our Realising the European Open Science Cloud play list.
For easy access to presentation slides, browse the event agenda and select a session.
Click below to watch the conference welcome from the EOSC-hub, SSHOC, and FREYA coordinators.
For further information about the event please contact