CLARIN is a European Research Infrastructure providing access to language resources and technologies for researchers in the humanities and social sciences. It supports the use and study of language data in general and aims to increase the potential for comparative researchof cultural and societal phenomena across the boundaries of languages and disciplines, all in line with the European agenda for OpenScience. Data infrastructures such as CLARIN have recently embarked on the emerging frameworks for the federation of infrastructural services, such as the European Open Science Cloud and the integration of services resulting from multidisciplinary collaborationin federated services for the wider domain of the social sciences and humanities (SSH). In this paper we describe the interoperabilityrequirements that arise through the existing ambitions and the emerging frameworks. The interoperability theme will be addressed at several levels, including organisation and ecosystem, design of workflow services, data curation, performance measurement and collaboration. For each level, some concrete outcomes are described.
Authors: de Jong, Franciska; Maegaard, Bente; Fiˇ
ser, Darja; Van Uytvanck, Dieter; Witt , Andreas (CLARIN ERIC).Conference: LREC 2020 - Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Date: May 2020
Publisher: European Language Resources Association