
The FAIR SSH Data Citation prototype is a software tool designed and developed  in the SSHOC project to support the process of creating FAIR SSH citations.

The main steps to build a FAIR SSH citation are:

  • Take the citation string (PID a minima, author etc.) or existing information
  • Process the string to put it in a standard shape
  • Provide an access to the Digital Object
  • Aggregate other information from different sources for instance based on the PID
  • Add semantic annotations with some tools from human and machine 
  • Create a citation viewer
  • Provide an API to “disseminate” FAIR citation 

The prototype provides functionalities to retrieve and collect metadata related to the cited Digital Object and enables (i) users to visualize the metadata using a web based GUI and (ii) software agents to download the metadata as a JSON object. The retrieved metadata, then, could be used to annotate the original citation.

