An opportunity for researchers and students from computer science, data science, and the humanities and social sciences to work in an interdisciplinary team and explore ways to solve concrete research questions using the WageIndicator Collective Agreements Database.
Have you ever wondered how text mining tools can help discover the secrets of employment negotiations and their outcomes?
To further our understanding of this process and ultimately help workers, trade unions, employers and policy makers to know more about labour rights, we are organising a 10-day hackathon in which participants will use the new WageIndicator Collective Agreements Database to explore how different aspects of working conditions are addressed around the world.
The WageIndicator Collective Agreements Database currently contains 1600 collective agreements in 28 language from more than 50 countries. Collective agreements are documents containing conditions of employment that result from negotiations between independent unions and employers. Their content is often shrouded in secrecy. Under the SSHOC project and with the support of the CLARIN Research Infrastructure, the database has been manually and automatically annotated on several levels.
Under the guidance of field experts from SSHOC, participants will work in small, interdisciplinary groups in order to develop their own research problem and work towards its solution. They will be able to reuse models already developed in SSHOC and/or create their own. Possible research topics include cross-country and cross-language analysis, topical investigation for a topic of interest (e.g. sexual harassment or equal pay), automation of particular aspects of the annotation procedure, and many others.
Workshop leaders: Daniela Ceccon, Stefano Ceccon
Application deadline: 31. 3. 2021
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash