Within Croatia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2020, Rijeka, one of the largest cities in the country, will proudly take on the title of the European Capital of Culture 2020. In this unique framework, the University of Rijeka has the honor to host and organize a conference entitled "The Role of Cultural Heritage in Socio-Economic Development and Preservation of Democratic Values - HERItage" The conference is organized in collaboration with the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education and is financed through Horizon 2020: Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.
SSHOC at HERItage conference 2020
The overall mission of the HERItage conference is to strongly (re)affirm the role of SSH indeveloping a knowledge-based learning society in Europe,as well as in building regional innovation ecosystemsthat rely primarily on innovation in education and research, culture and social welfare. R&I in SSH should remain a civilian programmethat maximises the societal benefits ae well as the quality of living and the working conditions. Aiming at increase the societal acceptance and relevance of the R&I activities pursued under Horizon Europe. SSHOC will take part in two sessions.
Check the full programm here: http://heritage.uniri.hr/program/