The 2nd SSHOC Consortium meeting will take place in Florence on 14-15 October 2019.
The 2-day event will be an occasion to review the results of the first ten months of activities, to align among the various work packages and share practices and experiences. Representatives from other EOSC-related projects and key eInfrastructures will discuss possible links and synergies, while SSHOC representatives will explore internal overlapses, collaboration between work packages, standards and recommendations.
Furthermore, on the 2nd day the different work packages will break out into parallel session, to be followed by a conclusive summary where the discussion from the meeting will be taken into consideration to plan SSHOC's next steps and workplan.
SSHOC's partner CNR will host the meeting, in its "Area della ricerca" campus, a few kilometres away from downtown Florence, Italy.
All the SSHOC WP leaders and task leaders are requested to join the meeting, together with at least one representative from each partnering organisation.
The agenda of the event is available here