At last! A discussion forum for all five ESFRI cluster projects, RDA Working and Interest Groups, and EOSC representatives on our journey to EOSC.
During this event we’ll be focusing on the technical, social and governance issues we all face. What can we learn from each other and take back to the data communities we serve?
Connecting to EOSC
The five European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) cluster projects provide a gathering point for various ESFRI Research Infrastructures to connect to European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in large thematic domains:
Who should attend
The EOSC and Research Data Communities: Researchers, RIs in EOSC cluster projects, ESFRI, research data experts, RDA communities (working and interest group members)
Room: Otakaari 1, in room U135a U7 (PWC)
Draft Agenda
Time |
Description |
12.00 -12.15 |
Welcome - Ron Dekker, director CESSDA - SSHOC coordinator - EOSC EB member |
12.15-13.00 |
Data services |
Recently with the launch of EOSC and the EOSChub project it becomes clear that there may be some differences between the approach of EOSChub and previous eInfrastructure projects looking to provide stable general data management services and those of the research communities that need, next to thematic data curation and storage facilities, also to cater for more specific and shorter lived specific research data workflows. Still all these research data services and management solutions should be similarly findable and usable by projects and users. Short pitches by EOSC cluster projects and RDA Working and Interest Groups will be followed by an interactive discussion with the audience. Moderator: Ron Dekker (CESSDA) SSHOC Speakers:
13.00 - 14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00 - 14.45
Connecting to community organisations |
Currently in the context of EOSC discussions, the ESFRI cluster projects are in an excellent position to represent the interests of the research communities and claim and provide for an EOSC infrastructure that meets the required specificity and flexibility. Part of this infrastructure can be built on a general basis, as can be provided by EOSC-hub-like projects, but other parts may require also special direct collaborations between community organisations sharing common interests and topics. Short pitches by EOSC cluster projects and RDA Working and Interest Groups will be followed by an interactive discussion with the audience. Moderator: Vasso Kalaitzi (LIBER) SSHOC Speakers:
14.45 - 15.30 |
Governance |
Governance of EOSC cluster projects is of at least equal importance as technical solutions with respect to research data solution registration and discovery, therefore both will be explored in this session from different domain (cluster) perspective with focus on defining commonalities and joint approach. Short pitches by EOSC cluster projects and RDA Working and Interest Groups will be followed by a interactive discussion with the audience. Moderator: Ivana Ilijasic Versic (CESSDA) SSHOC Speakers:
15.30 - 15.45 |
Wrapping up and next steps - Marieke Willems (Trust-IT services) SSHOC |
Please note that the event is co-located with the RDA 14th Plenary and will take place at Aalto University, Otakaari 1, in room U135a U7 (PWC), Otaniemi, Espoo. Participants attending this event only, do not have to pay the RDA Plenary 14 registration fee.