This report aims at describing the governance model for the SSH Open Marketplace, especially in the perspective of its sustainability. A well-thought governance model is required to sustain the various components of this SSH discovery portal: from its technical development and ongoing future maintenance (aggregation and ingestion pipelines, integration of new resources, curation, and editorial components) to its more strategic design through the definition of governing bodies and roles.
The guidelines presented in this report need to be read and understood as a first version of the SSH Open Marketplace sustainability scheme that can be updated throughout the project’s evolution and especially the Marketplace’s development.
This deliverable is a result of the work carried out as part of SSHOC Task 7.4 - “Governance: Population, Curation & Sustainability of the SSH Open Marketplace”, itself embedded in WP7 - “Creating the SSH Open Marketplace” of the SSHOC project. It supports the creation of the SSH Open Marketplace: a discovery portal crafted for the SSH research community, offering contextualised solutions to diverse research enquiries, at every step of a researcher’s data life cycle.
This deliverable has considered the work done under WP8, especially Task 8.1 “Governance & Sustainability” (lead CLARIN ERIC) handling the overall governance of the SSHOC project, and the consultation processes conducted among the SSHOC Scientific and Project Management Boards.