Archaeological data management best practice guidance developed within E-RIHS and SSHOC will be implemented within the ARIADNEplus infrastructure and workflow, which may then be made available as a service within SSHOC.
Archaeological researchers generate data with natural science methods on a wide range of artefacts, biological remains and physical materials. Therefore, data management best practice guidance is very valuable for researchers in archaeology as well as in other fields of study where such work is being carried out.
Research infrastructures can support data-centric workflows by providing templates and services for best practice documentation, curation and use of FAIR scientific data. EOSC will become the central hub for research infrastructure services supporting the European Commission’s FAIR data and Open Science policies. SSHOC, E-RIHS, ARIADNE-plus and other research infrastructure projects are committed to share various services through EOSC. These will include ARIADNEplus data management services which will be relevant for researchers in different fields of study.
Researchers in archaeology, heritage science and other humanities generating and/or using scientific data. Main needs are guidance and services for reliable and effective management and sharing of data complying with FAIR data and Open Science policies. The best practice services shared through EOSC generally are Cloud-based web services.
The main impediment for full exploitation, i.e. widest possible use, is many researchers still not familiar with FAIR data and Open Science practices.