The repository service for SSH is built upon the community-driven open source Dataverse software.
Its modular design facilitates integration with other data services such as DataCite or ROpenSci, CLARIN’s Language Resource Switchboard, and supports the development of additional functionality and services.
Two types of services are being developed:
1) a central (ERIC-level) service in the cloud, adapted to the needs of the relevant European SSH community, for small institutes to have a research data repository for their designated community.
2) an ‘Archive in a box’ software installation package, an adapted version to the needs of the European SSH community with documentation, for downloading and usage in their own environment by institutes themselves.
SSHOC Webinar - DARIAH Community Requirements for a Dataverse Repository
Webinar: Discussion about requirements of CESSDA Service Providers for a Dataverse repository
Developing the SSHOC Dataverse
Dataverse in the European Open Science Cloud - Dataverse Community Meeting at Harvard University
SSHOC Dataverse in the European Open Science Cloud - European Dataverse Workshop
Dataverse SSHOC enrichment of DDI support at EDDI'19 2
Running Dataverse repository in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
Building an electronic repository and archives on Dataverse in the European Open Science Cloud