For the release of the Alpha version of the SSH Marketplace, we arranged a two-hour slot on 30 June 2020 during the ICTeSSH 2020 Conference. This report provides the context for the development of the Marketplace and presents the feedback received from testers who had been given prior access to the site, and from workshop attendees who were polled via Mentimeter during the event.
Author: Laure Barbot (DARIAH), Tracey Biller (Trust-IT), Daan Broeder (CLARIN), Ron Dekker(CESSDA), Matej Durco (ACDH-CH), Irene Vipavc(University of Ljubljana) and Marieke Willems (Trust-IT)
Conference: ITM Web Conf. Volume 33, 2020 International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities (ICTeSSH 2020)
Date: August 2020
Publisher: EDP Sciences - France