Realising the Social
Sciences and Humanities
part of the European Open Science Cloud

SSH Open

The discovery portal that pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. The Marketplace highlights and showcases solutions and research practices for every step of the SSH research data life cycle.

The SSH Open Marketplace is:

  • A discovery portal, to foster serendipity in digital methods
  • An aggregator of useful and well curated resources
  • A catalogue, contextualising resources
  • An entry point in the EOSC for the Social Sciences and Humanities researchers

SSHOC assets

Between January 2019 and April 2022 SSHOC delivered a series of services and tools for daily use by SSH researchers.
All tools have been made available via the SSH Open Marketplace by April 2022.
This catalogue gives you access to all reports, factsheets and training for each asset.


Browse the full SSHOC service catalogue


As we built the SSH area of the European Open Science Cloud, a key focus for SSHOC was providing training, advice, and educational resources for producers, users, and curators of Social Sciences and Humanities data.

You can browse the training assets via the buttons below:



RI communities

Developing research infrastructures is Europe’s response to the challenge of placing science at the heart of societal and economic development, promoting innovation, and enabling technology-driven transformation within a complex landscape.

SSHOC brings together the comunities and resources of 6 European Strategic Research Infrastructures.

Discover the RI communities

Data communities

Dedicated Data Communities have been involved to match resource design with the actual needs and expectations of end-users.

Different data communities have been onboarded, covering topics such as Elections, Ethnic Minorities and Migration, Heritage, Religion, Historic Economics and more.

Discover the Data communities

SSHOC champions

How SSHOC Meets the Needs of Researchers - An Interview with Tomasz Parkola

Read all the stories

SSHOC trusted repositories

SSHOC promotes trust and quality assurance by supporting data repositories in their journey to CoreTrustSeal certification.
Fourteen data repositories were selected for certification support through an open call between June and August 2020.
These repositories are in varying stages of preparation with some closer to being ready to apply for certification and others more focused on taking note of issues and establishing best practices.


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SSHOC knowledge base

Deliverables & milestones

120+ expert reports delivered in 40 months, to realise the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud.

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White papers

Expert and collaborative position statements and guides on EOSC, Open Science and SSH contributions to global challneges such as COVID.

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SSHOC testimonials