On April 10-12 the EOSC-hub week was organised in Prague as their annual all-hands meeting to discuss the progress in rolling out EOSC data management services. Daan Broeder of KNAW and CLARIN ERIC, reports on the SSHOC presence at the event.
EOSC-hub is the central EU EOSC e-Infrastructure provisioning project, that is to provide research communities with general data management services. For EOSC-hub the ESFRI cluster projects (or thematic cluster projects) - whereof SSHOC is the one project representing the SSH - play an important role in gathering requirements and engaging with the research communities. Therefore the cluster projects were in this year’s EOSChub week invited to help organise a number of sessions to present and discuss a number of in their view relevant topics in the research infrastructure landscape with EOSChub staff.
As SSHOC we assembled a delegation representing the major SSHOC stakeholders and prepared a number of relevant discussion topics in the "EOSC for Social Sciences and Humanities" session. Among the most interesting and debated topics were surely the “My Cloud, your Cloud, our Cloud” panel presented by Franciska de Jong on EOSC governance issues and the “Competitive or Collaborative services” panel presented by Matej Durco, zooming in on the need for proper alignment between overlapping community specific and general EOSC-hub services.
The presentation of the topics and subsequent discussions was preceded by two presentations from the session chairs Amir Spahic and Daan Broeder on the SSHOC project itself and the diversity of the in SSHOC participating SSH communities, that have very different traditions and expertise levels in working with eInfrastructure projects such as EOSC-hub, and where therefore there are real challenges but also opportunities for the SSHOC project to properly align the SSHOC activities with EOSC.
Although for many, especially also from the research communities side, the EOSC concept is still unclear, the high profile of EOSC in all the EC plans for future support of research infrastructures is well recognised as is the need for the research communities to claim their part in it. The topic of competitive and collaborative services were illustrated on the concept of “Marketplace” were SSHOC is planning a specific SSHOC marketplace and EOSC-hub also provides an EOSC Marketplace. The issue of user confusion was raised, and it should be clear for the user where to go and what to expect, while at the other hand some worthwhile overlap and competition between services is acceptable as long as the services are interoperable.
In all, the SSH session was successful in presenting SSHOC and the SSH position for the EOSC-hub partners and we can expect the contacts with EOSC-hub to intensify during the project.
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